Tuesday 29 November 2011

Contest reminder!

The contest for the Pa Swag logo is coming to an end. We've got a few swag ass logos sent in so make sure to send your's in soon.  So if your working on one better finish it up.

Contest finish date is Dec. 10th

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Shack Gang

The rainy season clips and a little bit of what we do when we ain't skating.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Everybody hates rainy season

Its that time of the year where skateboarding becomes very limited. With school ending at 3:15 and the sun being gone by 6, it gives us very little time to skate. Before the rain started pouring I was able to take a few pictures at the park. Here's a sequence of Jordan doing a effortless crooks fakie on the slam.
Jordan Stubbs - crooks fakie